Data services

How modern connectivity can strengthen local government

News - 16 January 2023

Lumea News 20230116

Now is a time of great opportunity for local governments. By leveraging new technologies, communities can enjoy better experiences, services, and workplaces. So, how does effective digital connectivity support this transition?

Maximise application and technology investments

Having a high-speed internet service in place is critical to enable productivity for your community.
As Australian and state government departments upgrade and invest in new technology, it’s important to have the right foundation in place to support these upgrades at a local level. That's where business-grade internet comes in. After all, what’s the point in implementing great applications and devices if they’re running off a slow network and struggle to work properly?
Traditional networks often can’t properly handle the demands of cloud computing, video conferencing, and voice calls. Modern networks that provide symmetrical upload and download speeds, as well as priority data options, reduce dropouts, interference, and lagging connections. This boosts performance, helps get more value out of technology investments, and ensures smooth adoption across your team – making digital investments worth it.

Deliver better outcomes for the community

Only one in three (36%) local government organisations believe they are occasionally or consistently exceeding customer expectations.1 Technology can play a core role to achieve effective customer service. With seamless connectivity and digital tools, the needs of communities and stakeholders can be met faster by creating more efficient teams and better digital experiences.
At LUMEA, we take modern connectivity even further with fibre above and below the ground that has been proven to withstand fires and floods. This helps councils and communities stay connected during the most critical times.

Enable hybrid and remote work

As hybrid and remote work becomes increasingly popular, organisations are leveraging new collaborative tools and hardware to keep employees connected. To create uninterrupted working environments for employees, government departments need to ensure their office network can handle the higher upload speeds that cloud-based applications require. If connectivity is slow at the office, it also affects those working remotely because it results in interruptions across video conferencing and voice calling.

Boost agility

In our rapidly changing world, businesses should be ready to adapt quickly. And with great internet connections, they can. A scalable internet solution allows you to increase or decrease bandwidth speeds and data rates to suit shifting demands. If we’ve learnt anything from the last few years, it’s that the more agile an organisation is, the better chance it has it has at surviving and thriving during periods of rapid change.

Enhance operational efficiency

Forward-thinking organisations are already breaking down siloes to bring teams together and enhance operational efficiency. By combining this transition with technology that enables fast collaboration and communication, government departments can radically speed up operations.
As well as creating a more attractive workplace for existing and potential employees, this also benefits the community. With smoother operations fuelled by modern connectivity, organisations can work better together to drive innovation that meets the diverse needs of their communities.

Improve network security

Traditional internet networks often leave gaps for cyber threats. With an enterprise-grade solution designed for the constantly evolving threats of today, local government organisations can add another layer of defence. A flexible internet solution can also help create more seamless system backups by allowing businesses to increase data rates when backing up.

The importance of technology is clear for organisations in the local government sector to better serve their communities and stakeholders. It’s time to embrace seamless connectivity and the right mix of software and hardware to keep up with modern demands.

Want to learn more about modern connectivity? Get the rundown on our Carrier Ethernet solution powered by nbn™ Enterprise Ethernet here.

1 The future of local government, KPMG (2021).